Zikry Lab
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Patient tumor sample multiplex imaged for cell cycle markers.
Imaging credit: Samuel C. Wolff
Data Science +
Precision Medicine
About Me
Tarek Zikry, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor (deferred start July 2025),
UNC-Chapel Hill
School of Data Science and Society (Primary)
Curriculum in Bioinformatics & Computational Biology (Core Faculty)
Department of Statistics and Operations Research (Adjunct)
I completed my Ph.D. in Biostatistics at UNC-Chapel Hill with the joint mentorship of Michael Kosorok in the Department of Biostatistics and Jeremy Purvis in the Department of Genetics. I accepted an assistant professorship at the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Data Science and Society with a deferred start of one year, in which I am a postdoctoral research scientist with Genevera Allen at Columbia University in the Department of Statistics, Center for Theoretical Neurosicence at the Zuckerman Institute, and Irving Institute for Cancer Dynamics.

Research Areas
I work in the application of these methods to problems in computational biology, cancer, neuroscience, biomedicine, and public health.
See my Google Scholar to check out papers on these topics.
Dynamic Treatment Regimes
Using reinforcement learning-based models to leverage patient heterogeneity and find optimal sequences of care.
Statistical Machine Learning
Developing and applying methods to learn from data and make accurate predictions—while maintaining key principles of stability, predictability, and computability.
Single-Cell Cancer Omics
Computational medicine methods to utilize high dimensional omics data to find key biomarkers and inform cancer treatments.

Dimensionality Reduction
Manifold learning methods to understand latent trends and interpret high dimensional biological data in a statistically valid manner.
Get in touch
I am seeking motivated students in SDSS, STOR, and BCB to join the lab starting in 2025-26. Contact me at tarek@unc.edu!